No practical Monday 14 Nov 16! We'll continue with the lectures.
We should be finished soon!
How to write up a
Lab Rules - read and inwardly
Practical number 7.pdf - We shall
probably do this practical (not number 6) on Monday 24th October.
Practical number 8.pdf
Each group should write one
report. It should cover the titration of HCl(aq) with NaOH(aq) fully,
including a graph showing calculated values and measured values, and the
titration of CH3COOH(aq) with NaOH(aq) with a graph showing only
calculated values if you were not able to do this titration. You are
encouraged to produce the graphs and do the calculations with a spread sheet
program, but you don't have to.
Practical number 9.pdf
How to write up a practical
Help on practical #1
(Some background with help for Excel)
Practical #2
This Excel spreadsheet
shows a graph of ln(rate) against 1/T with negative slope.
You can download it and put in your values to better understand Excel (or similar
spreadsheets). (Your slope in experiment 2 should be positive since the
graph is ln(td) against 1/T).
Specimen results for
practical #3 (Don't use these except for reference without express
permission, or you will be accused of cheating!)
Graph blanks for practical #5
Practicals are also available for download from