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Dr Banks's Website

Dr. Banks retired some years ago from the Chemistry Department at the College of the Bahamas (now University of the Bahamas, UB), Nassau, Bahamas tel. 1 242 302 4438.

He can still be reached at francis.banks[at]ub.edu.bs - use the ampersand, @, instead of [at].  (This is a vain attempt to defeat "bots".)

 This page was last updated on 06-Mar-22

Learn chemistry - Royal Society of Chemistry resources

Free Chemistry Software
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Doc Brown's chemistry site - "A" level is roughly equivalent to 200 level

Royal Society of Chemistry

Free on-line chemistry textbooks

This textbook is suitable for Chem 135 and Chem 225.)

More Free Courses!

How to enter special chemistry symbols
e.g.  ⇌, variously described as the Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon
symbol, the equilibrium symbol, or the reversible symbol. (Note: some browsers may not display the symbol properly.)

Keyboard short-cuts for Microsoft's Equation Editor


How to deal with exam nerves

Recent research has shown that spending 10 minutes writing down your fears before the exam can move you up a grade on the average.

How to study for your exams

This article  in New Scientist magazine tells you the most effective seven techniques to bone up for that test!  (As shown by psychological experiments.)


BetterWorld books
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The PISA survey (latest 2012) of achievement in science teaching - 43 countries.
Note how low the US scores!  Why do we copy them?
